Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Worship with Lil Guy

I usually wake my lil guy by singing Rise & Shine in his ear and This is the Day. So we start off with worship first thing.

I feel like worship is a state of being. If I stay in worship throughout the day I am thankful.

Let me tell you all I do have the worst voice on the planet, no joke! I think the Lord loves it though so it may not be ringing in my ears but I don't do it for me.

This is communion with the Holy One. I am not asking or standing in the gap for others, just pure joy in his presence. No church needed. All are welcome to participate. I encourage you to join in throughout the day that it may be a sweet sound in His ears. You don't even have to know any special songs, make it up as you go along. Have fun with your family and go retro singing together.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for joining A Year of Family Worship!

Melissa Ringstaff